
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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by Aurelie Crisetig
Contest is finished!

Aurelie Crisetig

‘(dis)locations’ depicts the alteration of landscapes through digital topography. Every pattern of land represents a variation of time and space in both the digital and physical world. These patchworks of sceneries taken from Google Earth express how diverse a location on our planet can appear through a digital apparatus. These transfigurations were digitally seized by a dispositive used to capture landscapes, but also physically transformed by the global warming produced by human beings. Both changes depict the unpredictable development of landscape during our tumultuous time.
‘(dis)locations’ depicts the alteration of landscapes through digital topography. Every pattern of land represents a variation of time and space in both the digital and physical world. These patchworks of sceneries taken from Google Earth express how diverse a location on our planet can appear through a digital apparatus. These transfigurations were digitally seized by a dispositive used to capture landscapes, but also physically transformed by the global warming produced by human beings. Both changes depict the unpredictable development of landscape during our tumultuous time.