
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Celestial Twin
by Chana de Moura
Contest is finished!
Celestial Twin

Chana de Moura

Celestial Twin (12' 42'', super 8 mm and digital film, 2020) is a fictional narrative that explores the potentialities of a speculative, non-anthropocentric reality. When a new celestial body appears in the universe, a remaining post-collapse community promptly sends the scientific research group known as Cosmovisionary Women to explore it. In addition to envisioning a world "after the end of the world”, Celestial Twin seeks to highlight the delicate balance of biochemical circumstances that made possible the evolution of terrestrial life forms. Planet Earth, in this sense, is seen as a shelter against cosmic hostility. Furthermore, the narrative subtly questions the narcissistic character of many contemporary civilizations, in which the human race usually figures in the center, unquestionably. Video:
Celestial Twin (12' 42'', super 8 mm and digital film, 2020) is a fictional narrative that explores the potentialities of a speculative, non-anthropocentric reality. When a new celestial body appears in the universe, a remaining post-collapse community promptly sends the scientific research group known as Cosmovisionary Women to explore it. In addition to envisioning a world "after the end of the world”, Celestial Twin seeks to highlight the delicate balance of biochemical circumstances that made possible the evolution of terrestrial life forms. Planet Earth, in this sense, is seen as a shelter against cosmic hostility. Furthermore, the narrative subtly questions the narcissistic character of many contemporary civilizations, in which the human race usually figures in the center, unquestionably. Video: