
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Pocket Park
by Milan Rai
Contest is finished!
Pocket Park

Milan Rai

I urged the city planners to rethink public spaces and provided alternatives solutions. My advocacy led me to the issues of land encroachment and urbanization that have shrunk open spaces both in spatial and democratic terms. My eco-social art practice embodies landscape architecture, socio-ecological processes, and urban design with a critical eye toward green remediation. This previously encroached land is not turned into a pocket park. It breathes hope in between the dense concretes offering a placid transition to the passers-by.
I urged the city planners to rethink public spaces and provided alternatives solutions. My advocacy led me to the issues of land encroachment and urbanization that have shrunk open spaces both in spatial and democratic terms. My eco-social art practice embodies landscape architecture, socio-ecological processes, and urban design with a critical eye toward green remediation. This previously encroached land is not turned into a pocket park. It breathes hope in between the dense concretes offering a placid transition to the passers-by.