Award 2021

Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

Stay tuned for the next Social Art Award open call!


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by Ben Stephenson and Melissa Aristizabal
Contest is finished!

Ben Stephenson and Melissa Aristizabal

During this past year we have seen the world united strong over a collective goal and also the potential fragility of each individual human being. This sculpture alludes to the vertebrae and discs of the spine and just like the pieces in this sculpture which alone serve little purpose and may be weak they can also be strong when assembled together. The spine forms the central column in many living beings, providing connection and vital life-force. The proposed sculpture is made in "Rammed Earth" one of the oldest methods of construction since 4400 BC used globally which consists of compacting different types of earth. The change of colour is due to the abundance of iron/ amount of organic matter/ proportions of mineral grades among others. The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and the destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which sickness passes into health, age into you, death into life. Without proper care we cannot do community, for without proper care we cannot have life - a text by Wendell Berry that inspired us to work with this technique.
During this past year we have seen the world united strong over a collective goal and also the potential fragility of each individual human being. This sculpture alludes to the vertebrae and discs of the spine and just like the pieces in this sculpture which alone serve little purpose and may be weak they can also be strong when assembled together. The spine forms the central column in many living beings, providing connection and vital life-force. The proposed sculpture is made in "Rammed Earth" one of the oldest methods of construction since 4400 BC used globally which consists of compacting different types of earth. The change of colour is due to the abundance of iron/ amount of organic matter/ proportions of mineral grades among others. The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and the destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which sickness passes into health, age into you, death into life. Without proper care we cannot do community, for without proper care we cannot have life - a text by Wendell Berry that inspired us to work with this technique.