What is the Social Art Award?

The Social Art Award aims at invigorating the rise of social art by exploring the field and raising attention for social art. Furthermore, the award aims at strengthening the recognition of social artists and the value of their work. Hence, it cherishes the importance of social art for society.

Why should I apply?

Do you want your work to be recognized as Social Art? If so, this award gives you the chance, to gain acknowledgment. We invite you to become part of a movement, as we need more people to create impact and to inspire societal change.
All applicants of the biennial award will receive a digital copy of the award book. The third open call was organized in 2021.
The prize money is 1.000 EUR. The 10 jury selected + 2 wildcards winners from the public voting will receive professional feedback from the jury. The at stage 1 selected 100 submissions identified by the jury will be published in the official award book. The 100 preselected artists will receive additional exposure through PR and social media.

How to apply?

When the Open Call is on, you can apply by sharing an artwork related to social art. Please use the button “upload contribution” in the form on the application page to submit your artworks or documentation shots of projects. You will have to provide one image, a description, and a short comment regarding the relation to social art.

When do applications open?

The application will be opened in 2023 again.

When do applications close?

The application deadline for the Social Art Award is usually closed 2 months after its start.

Who can participate?

All artists and cultural actors are invited to apply with their work they consider relevant for the field of social art. There are no restrictions based on gender, age, training, or nationality.

Is there a registration fee?


When will the public voting take place?

The public voting will be open for one week. The winner(s) will receive a wildcard for the final jury selection. Please note that the jury selection process is done separately from the public voting.

What are the terms and conditions to enter?
When will the book be published?

Usually the official book is published by the end of the year.

When will the exhibition in Berlin take place?

The award ceremony and exhibition of the winners 2021 were presented at the Zero Waste Berlin Festival on September 17-19, 2021.

Have there been previous editions of the Social Art Award?

Yes, here you can find the online galleries of the Top 50/Top100 artists from
Social Art Award 2021
Social Art Award 2019
Social Art Award 2017

Who is organizing the Social Art Award?

The Social Art Award is an independent and not-for-profit initiative by the Institute for Art and Innovation e.V., based in Berlin, Germany.

What is the Institute for Art and Innovation e.V.?

The Institute for Art and Innovation e.V. (IFAI) is a multidisciplinary institute that explores and promotes art and innovation as a means to foster social impact and change. For this purpose, the institute established the Social Art Award in 2017. The accompanying book of each edition supports the spread and recognition of Social Art, the artists, and their work. Furthermore, the institute undertakes research, training, production, and exchange. IFAI is an independent, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization based in Berlin, Germany.

What are the values of IFAI?

We are mission-driven and act in the public interest serving people and planet to thrive.
We value people with different backgrounds. We perform on evidence and our principles.
We collaborate in synergy with a global network to succeed in building meaningful and liveable futures.
Honest conversations is key and necessary when confronted with uncomfortable truths.
We listen actively and deeply and will comment open-mindedly.