Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.
Stay tuned for the next Social Art Award open call!
Protecting The Celestial Bodies
Protecting The Celestial Bodies
Protecting The Celestial...
Die Botschaft (The Message)
Die Botschaft (The Message)
Die Botschaft (The Message)
A model/exhibit/exponat as a built mental space and computer-graphics model architecture to point at and negotiate possibilities and cope with challenges across cultures, scales and frames and spectra.
A model/exhibit/exponat as a built mental space and computer-graphics model architecture to point at and negotiate possibilities and cope with challenges across cultures, scales and frames and spectra.
A model/exhibit/exponat as a...
Park Project Berlin, Spandauer Forst
Park Project Berlin, Spandauer Forst
Upcycling Artwork with Wedding Envelopes
Upcycling Artwork with Wedding Envelopes
Upcycling Artwork with...
“We no longer write, we no longer hear each other, we put likes”
“We no longer write, we no longer hear each other, we put likes”
“We no longer write, we no...