
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Planet ritual
by Ismail Odetola
Contest is finished!
Planet ritual

Ismail Odetola

I will be inquiring into the natural world and its design, which I think is the best and the only way to go. By default, we should know the material things are not sustainable but by the wisdom which we stand for we should be able to create a balance since materiality is almost entirely inevitable. My work which is prepared with a newspaper as the background because of its universality, leaves from different trees and plants as the foreground and a calabash at the center filled with water. This is world as it is and this is what the world needs to be. To let nature serve it purposed so we human can exist within it and imitate its ritual.
I will be inquiring into the natural world and its design, which I think is the best and the only way to go. By default, we should know the material things are not sustainable but by the wisdom which we stand for we should be able to create a balance since materiality is almost entirely inevitable. My work which is prepared with a newspaper as the background because of its universality, leaves from different trees and plants as the foreground and a calabash at the center filled with water. This is world as it is and this is what the world needs to be. To let nature serve it purposed so we human can exist within it and imitate its ritual.