Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.
The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.
Witness Your World #904
Witness Your World #904
Leroy Brothers
Leroy Brothers
Witness Your World is an Online Social Art project aiming to make a difference by financially contributing to organizations striving for a better world. Artworks are collectively created, employing user-generated content, A.I., and other algorithms, and put into collections, themed around topics that are related to the organizations! Collections such as BETWEEN AIR or LONESOME LONER, are proposed in the E-gallery, where artworks are for sale. Each artwork is certified with the NFT service VERISART.
Witness Your World is an Online Social Art project aiming to make a difference by financially contributing to organizations striving for a better world. Artworks are collectively created, employing user-generated content, A.I., and other algorithms, and put into collections, themed around topics that are related to the organizations! Collections such as BETWEEN AIR or LONESOME LONER, are proposed in the E-gallery, where artworks are for sale. Each artwork is certified with the NFT service VERISART.
Witness Your World is an Online Social Art project aiming to make a difference by financially contributing to organizations striving for a better world. Artworks are collectively created, employing user-generated content, A.I., and other algorithms, and put into collections, themed around topics that are related to the organizations! Collections such as BETWEEN AIR or LONESOME LONER, are proposed in the E-gallery, where artworks are for sale. Each artwork is certified with the NFT service VERISART.
Witness Your World is an Online Social Art project aiming to make a difference by financially contributing to organizations striving for a better world. Artworks are collectively created, employing user-generated content, A.I., and other algorithms, and put into collections, themed around topics that are related to the organizations! Collections such as BETWEEN AIR or LONESOME LONER, are proposed in the E-gallery, where artworks are for sale. Each artwork is certified with the NFT service VERISART.