
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Consumer's Diary
by Jila Svicevic
Contest is finished!
Consumer's Diary

Jila Svicevic

I collected my receipts printed on thermal papers during my 3 months scholarship at the naturally beautiful Slovenian / Italian border. They witness my spendings and administrations. Having experimented a lot with the material, I consistently continued the collection during the 3 months I spent in Nova Gorica/Gorizia. At the end, the papers presented a diary, a chronological order and these intimate datas also showed the traces of my consumption. A consumer’s movements can be traced in time and space. The papers came from two countries, but now they are blended into one spatial network. I used a fishnet as a simplified map, as the location was close to the Adriatic sea and the timestamps were hanging from it. We are all like fish in the same water, sometimes lost in consumer networks. The traces of consumption process witness a fading of memories. That is the reason I started creating collages on these thermal papers with the use of different essential oils, about my Slovenian/Italian memories. Some of my older memories got overwritten. The numeric space became recycled by natural effects. This way recapturing the consumption by the force of nature.
I collected my receipts printed on thermal papers during my 3 months scholarship at the naturally beautiful Slovenian / Italian border. They witness my spendings and administrations. Having experimented a lot with the material, I consistently continued the collection during the 3 months I spent in Nova Gorica/Gorizia. At the end, the papers presented a diary, a chronological order and these intimate datas also showed the traces of my consumption. A consumer’s movements can be traced in time and space. The papers came from two countries, but now they are blended into one spatial network. I used a fishnet as a simplified map, as the location was close to the Adriatic sea and the timestamps were hanging from it. We are all like fish in the same water, sometimes lost in consumer networks. The traces of consumption process witness a fading of memories. That is the reason I started creating collages on these thermal papers with the use of different essential oils, about my Slovenian/Italian memories. Some of my older memories got overwritten. The numeric space became recycled by natural effects. This way recapturing the consumption by the force of nature.