
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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by Sasa Nemec
Contest is finished!

Sasa Nemec

Repair-a-thon is a performance, of which the purpose is to inform and engage the public about responsible consumption. It is open to everyone and free of charge; the public is encouraged to bring their own clothes for repairing, mending or up-cycling. As the Earth’s natural resources are depleting, the practice of repairing is proposed as a new luxury that is brought on by the menders themselves. Together we are giving new value to the torn clothing by devoting our time and patience to the repairs while chasing the elusive strive for authenticity in a world of mass production. Art has the power to make visible, the small practices of ecologically sustainable behaviours, that if employed by a large group of people, can bring everlasting change. The human civilization is larger than the sum of its parts.
Repair-a-thon is a performance, of which the purpose is to inform and engage the public about responsible consumption. It is open to everyone and free of charge; the public is encouraged to bring their own clothes for repairing, mending or up-cycling. As the Earth’s natural resources are depleting, the practice of repairing is proposed as a new luxury that is brought on by the menders themselves. Together we are giving new value to the torn clothing by devoting our time and patience to the repairs while chasing the elusive strive for authenticity in a world of mass production. Art has the power to make visible, the small practices of ecologically sustainable behaviours, that if employed by a large group of people, can bring everlasting change. The human civilization is larger than the sum of its parts.