The Social Art Award 2017
Can art change the world?
Under this question, the Institute for Art and Innovation e.V. had launched the first Social Art Award in 2017. Artists and cultural actors of all areas were invited to apply with their work to the field of social art. Artists from 131 countries responded with extraordinary works and projects.
On September 5, 2017, the three winners Lino Tonelotto from France, Quek Jia Qi from Singapore and Diogo da Cruz from Portugal were honored, and exhibited at WHITECONCEPTS Gallery in Berlin. They demonstrated with their politically engaged works that art can make current events visible and tangible. This is an important understanding for bringing forward the debate and thus a social change.
Learn more about it and get your copy of the Social Art Award Book (116 pages, English) featuring the Top50 artists.
To Order:
Printed Version (Softcover) – 25 EUR excl. delivery
E-Version – Free
See here the best entries:
Fishers of men
O. Yemi Tubi
The Fishers of Men is about the horrors of Africans victims of human trafficking and Syrians that are running away from war from their own country. Some of the Africans and Syrian refugees were lucky enough to be fished-out from the sea while many of them were not so lucky but drowned. Fishers of men are good people of Europe that welcome the refugees with open hands and those that met the refugees with boxes of supplies and offering candy and cuddly toys for the refugees’ children.
The Fishers of Men is about the horrors of Africans victims of human trafficking and Syrians that are running away from war from their own country. Some of the Africans and Syrian refugees were lucky enough to be fished-out from the sea while many of them were not so lucky but drowned. Fishers of men are good people of Europe that welcome the refugees with open hands and those that met the refugees with boxes of supplies and offering candy and cuddly toys for the refugees’ children.