
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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by Katerina Sysova
Contest is finished!

Katerina Sysova

Rooms is a photographic project that deals with freedom at the individual level. It shows scenes that take place in small intimate spaces. As the name suggests - all images were created in one room. They reflect the private, sometimes secret, or slightly erotic moments of people in their environment. Each of them faces other problems, which at first glance may seem trivial, but in reality, they form an important part of the universe in the characters' intimate life. Although the photographs are staged, it depends on the observer, who intentionally may feel a bit like a voyeur, how sympathetic he is to the characters in the photographs. Unfortunately, I am not able to upload the pictures of the series, you can find them on my website, I am attaching here a photo of the installation.
Rooms is a photographic project that deals with freedom at the individual level. It shows scenes that take place in small intimate spaces. As the name suggests - all images were created in one room. They reflect the private, sometimes secret, or slightly erotic moments of people in their environment. Each of them faces other problems, which at first glance may seem trivial, but in reality, they form an important part of the universe in the characters' intimate life. Although the photographs are staged, it depends on the observer, who intentionally may feel a bit like a voyeur, how sympathetic he is to the characters in the photographs. Unfortunately, I am not able to upload the pictures of the series, you can find them on my website, I am attaching here a photo of the installation.