
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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" No vale os animais falam e gritam " - " In the...
by Erika Jamece
Contest is finished!
" No vale os animais falam e gritam " - " In the...

Erika Jamece

In a very remote past, and during almost infinite times for the human scale on Earth, many systems and living beings have developed. It was a phase of creation that generated extraordinary wealth, of incalculable value, commonly called Biodiversity. Man was also born out of this process and has always been part of it. Harmony reigned for a long time. Man has evolved and "civilized" himself. It has grown immeasurably, even far beyond the limits of what was reasonable for harmony to allow. It began to occupy the space of the others, and began to annihilate the Natural Heritage and began the process of extinction of the species. Vale dos Animais, the last stronghold of some species, the animals feel that their living space will really be annihilated and cry and scream.
In a very remote past, and during almost infinite times for the human scale on Earth, many systems and living beings have developed. It was a phase of creation that generated extraordinary wealth, of incalculable value, commonly called Biodiversity. Man was also born out of this process and has always been part of it. Harmony reigned for a long time. Man has evolved and "civilized" himself. It has grown immeasurably, even far beyond the limits of what was reasonable for harmony to allow. It began to occupy the space of the others, and began to annihilate the Natural Heritage and began the process of extinction of the species. Vale dos Animais, the last stronghold of some species, the animals feel that their living space will really be annihilated and cry and scream.