
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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by GABRIELA Matoso Ferreira Gomes
Contest is finished!

GABRIELA Matoso Ferreira Gomes

Isolated within themselves, man receives an invitation from a new virus to see an opportunity to transform his being, his conscience. We are experiencing an opportunity for growth, evolution; a rescue of our roots, our ancestry. The central idea of ​​the series is to show the return of the man to the wise place where he came from. It is to remember that the connection between man and nature can also be present in the 21st century, in the midst of so many modernities. We are being invited to realize that man continues to be a man, to have his simple daily life, but he will also be able to connect his mind and body to nature, living in harmony and respect. Return! Nature is within us, we are sapiens, just one of thousands of species that share the same environment.
Isolated within themselves, man receives an invitation from a new virus to see an opportunity to transform his being, his conscience. We are experiencing an opportunity for growth, evolution; a rescue of our roots, our ancestry. The central idea of ​​the series is to show the return of the man to the wise place where he came from. It is to remember that the connection between man and nature can also be present in the 21st century, in the midst of so many modernities. We are being invited to realize that man continues to be a man, to have his simple daily life, but he will also be able to connect his mind and body to nature, living in harmony and respect. Return! Nature is within us, we are sapiens, just one of thousands of species that share the same environment.