Award 2021

Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

Stay tuned for the next Social Art Award open call!


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The Game of Life on a Planet
by Yoann Bourse
Contest is finished!
The Game of Life on a Planet

Yoann Bourse

Technology, and AI in particular, are at the core of our hopeful prospects to manage and recover from the current climate crisis. But it is ultimately just a tool that is in the hand of humankind. This social art exhibition is the perfect moment to remember that our New Greening will have to be for everyone and by everyone. For even if there are macro forces at play, they are inextricably tied to individual responsibility. This interactive experience, hosted at, showcases this interplay of forces with an aesthetic inspired by Conway’s Game of Life. This infinitely blooming virtual tree is sensitive to its environment: the more demand (eyeballs) placed on it, the darker the surroundings, and it may even wither. Are you ready to sacrifice your chance at the spectacle so that others may see it? Can the crowd find an equilibrium to allow for a lasting responsible growth? Art is a powerful communication tool, which can go way beyond words to express emotions directly. In particular, social art, by its participatory nature, involves the viewer directly in the meaning it represents. I think that art, more than anything else, can really communicate the joint prospects of hope and of shared responsibility that come with a New Greening, because ultimately the core components of this change are the people, may they be directly involved through their activities or indirectly through their consumption and expression.
Technology, and AI in particular, are at the core of our hopeful prospects to manage and recover from the current climate crisis. But it is ultimately just a tool that is in the hand of humankind. This social art exhibition is the perfect moment to remember that our New Greening will have to be for everyone and by everyone. For even if there are macro forces at play, they are inextricably tied to individual responsibility. This interactive experience, hosted at, showcases this interplay of forces with an aesthetic inspired by Conway’s Game of Life. This infinitely blooming virtual tree is sensitive to its environment: the more demand (eyeballs) placed on it, the darker the surroundings, and it may even wither. Are you ready to sacrifice your chance at the spectacle so that others may see it? Can the crowd find an equilibrium to allow for a lasting responsible growth? Art is a powerful communication tool, which can go way beyond words to express emotions directly. In particular, social art, by its participatory nature, involves the viewer directly in the meaning it represents. I think that art, more than anything else, can really communicate the joint prospects of hope and of shared responsibility that come with a New Greening, because ultimately the core components of this change are the people, may they be directly involved through their activities or indirectly through their consumption and expression.