
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Nature's Sanctuary
by Rachel Carpenter
Contest is finished!
Nature's Sanctuary

Rachel Carpenter

Stoneware, Ink & Acrylic The piece represents a delicate balance between the growth of nature and society. The continuing spread of mankind and our creations have become a burden to the prosperity of the earth's resources. This work expresses the relationship that society has to nature and the power that they hold to each other. (There is a light fixture attached into the base to allow this sculpture to glow) Art is a powerful form of communication. Artwork has the ability to convey multiple messages within a single image to a vast range of viewers. My work is composed with the intent to inspire and challenge my viewers to reflect on their life and surroundings. The intent of my artwork is to inspire my viewers to become involved with their society and take positive action towards the earth's future. I believe that collectively, artists can help inspire change towards a New Greening.
Stoneware, Ink & Acrylic The piece represents a delicate balance between the growth of nature and society. The continuing spread of mankind and our creations have become a burden to the prosperity of the earth's resources. This work expresses the relationship that society has to nature and the power that they hold to each other. (There is a light fixture attached into the base to allow this sculpture to glow) Art is a powerful form of communication. Artwork has the ability to convey multiple messages within a single image to a vast range of viewers. My work is composed with the intent to inspire and challenge my viewers to reflect on their life and surroundings. The intent of my artwork is to inspire my viewers to become involved with their society and take positive action towards the earth's future. I believe that collectively, artists can help inspire change towards a New Greening.