
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Contest is finished!


This is an oil painting with some slight ink 5.8 * 8.3in. The figure in the painting stands uprights with the long stick which is a weapon as she considers herself a defender of nature and the environment around her. Her lifestyle is simple and all she needs for her daily sustenance and survival is in the little boat she stands upon. She moves along the water trying to protect natures delicate fabric and connects with all around her. She doesn't get to meet a lot of people in her simple reclusive life but when she does every once in a while she imparts her knowledge on how to protect and preserve the environment around, and how deeply connected we are. I believe that through art we can communicate with everyone since it is universal. Through capturing and painting captivating images of the environment and our connection to it, we are able to motivate everyone we share our art with to become defenders of the earth, in their own simple ways. Every little effort by every person goes a long way.
This is an oil painting with some slight ink 5.8 * 8.3in. The figure in the painting stands uprights with the long stick which is a weapon as she considers herself a defender of nature and the environment around her. Her lifestyle is simple and all she needs for her daily sustenance and survival is in the little boat she stands upon. She moves along the water trying to protect natures delicate fabric and connects with all around her. She doesn't get to meet a lot of people in her simple reclusive life but when she does every once in a while she imparts her knowledge on how to protect and preserve the environment around, and how deeply connected we are. I believe that through art we can communicate with everyone since it is universal. Through capturing and painting captivating images of the environment and our connection to it, we are able to motivate everyone we share our art with to become defenders of the earth, in their own simple ways. Every little effort by every person goes a long way.