Award 2021

Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

Stay tuned for the next Social Art Award open call!


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Back from the brink
by Jorge Gonzalez
Contest is finished!
Back from the brink

Jorge Gonzalez

The main purpose of this artwork is to recreate nature with materials that otherwise would be destroyed or best case recycled. This artwork represents a Blue whale once in danger now recovered, all materials used have been recycled besides the shadow box which has been re used. The water, represented by pieces of card board from a shoe box, the whale is been taken from an article in NatGeo which original article is called "Back from the brink" and it refers to a group of mammals recovered from extinction
The main purpose of this artwork is to recreate nature with materials that otherwise would be destroyed or best case recycled. This artwork represents a Blue whale once in danger now recovered, all materials used have been recycled besides the shadow box which has been re used. The water, represented by pieces of card board from a shoe box, the whale is been taken from an article in NatGeo which original article is called "Back from the brink" and it refers to a group of mammals recovered from extinction