
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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#2Degree Celcius
by Tessa Teixeira
Contest is finished!
#2Degree Celcius

Tessa Teixeira

Sugarlift Aquatint Etching - EV 6/8 - Image Size: We are living in the 'Anthropocene Age' where human activity dominates and tries to control nature,losing sight as Field Ecologist Dr Stephen Woodley suggests...'We are part of nature and we do not exist without it..if Biodiversity disappears, so do people'. Global temperatures have increased, at an accelerated pace. This image responds to the goal posed by the Paris convention, to reduce and cap global Co2 emissions, with the challenge of capping global temperature increases to 1.5 Degrees.
Sugarlift Aquatint Etching - EV 6/8 - Image Size: We are living in the 'Anthropocene Age' where human activity dominates and tries to control nature,losing sight as Field Ecologist Dr Stephen Woodley suggests...'We are part of nature and we do not exist without it..if Biodiversity disappears, so do people'. Global temperatures have increased, at an accelerated pace. This image responds to the goal posed by the Paris convention, to reduce and cap global Co2 emissions, with the challenge of capping global temperature increases to 1.5 Degrees.