
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Beautiful nature in a fan
by Liogi
Contest is finished!
Beautiful nature in a fan


The fan was obtained by turning a plate with a thickness of only 2.5 mm. A thema has been defined on it that represents nature in all its beauty. With the delicacy of the piercing I created the various details and at the end of everything I cut the edges and colored red. In my ideal world, the center represents serenity. Equality for me is a center, relationships is a center, beauty is a center. Everything that revolves around a hypothetical center will always be equidistant, neither closer nor further away, all the same. This harmony and equality represents the center of my world. With artistic turning I represent it by describing sensations that arouse positive emotions or transport me. Using the piercing technique I try to transfer these emotions, working on the delicacy of the design, on the thickness of the wood in order to involve the user who will stop and look at the works in my journey.
The fan was obtained by turning a plate with a thickness of only 2.5 mm. A thema has been defined on it that represents nature in all its beauty. With the delicacy of the piercing I created the various details and at the end of everything I cut the edges and colored red. In my ideal world, the center represents serenity. Equality for me is a center, relationships is a center, beauty is a center. Everything that revolves around a hypothetical center will always be equidistant, neither closer nor further away, all the same. This harmony and equality represents the center of my world. With artistic turning I represent it by describing sensations that arouse positive emotions or transport me. Using the piercing technique I try to transfer these emotions, working on the delicacy of the design, on the thickness of the wood in order to involve the user who will stop and look at the works in my journey.