
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Hybrid City #5
by Dorit Jordan Dotan
Contest is finished!
Hybrid City #5

Dorit Jordan Dotan

The hybrid city is a futuristic vision based on the current global situation. The hybrid figure is wearing a shirt made from the panels of a flexible cellular panel. The hair-like helmet consists of conductive cables and chips to create energy for personal use. This character, designer of the city, is above like a giant trying to revive the garden. The roads and the pollution of the cars includes the green lungs of trees. The roofs of houses and balconies are urban landscaping and rooftop farming. In an age where commercial areas are closed and covered for fear of looting, in an age where the inexhaustible waste is stored, the hybrid figures will shape a greener world that considers the environment. This image is part of the Hybrid City series.
The hybrid city is a futuristic vision based on the current global situation. The hybrid figure is wearing a shirt made from the panels of a flexible cellular panel. The hair-like helmet consists of conductive cables and chips to create energy for personal use. This character, designer of the city, is above like a giant trying to revive the garden. The roads and the pollution of the cars includes the green lungs of trees. The roofs of houses and balconies are urban landscaping and rooftop farming. In an age where commercial areas are closed and covered for fear of looting, in an age where the inexhaustible waste is stored, the hybrid figures will shape a greener world that considers the environment. This image is part of the Hybrid City series.