
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Acqua e terra
by Filippini Gianluigi in Arte jeanfilip
Contest is finished!
Acqua e terra

Filippini Gianluigi in Arte jeanfilip

Mixed media on canvas, 200x70 am, 2013. Water and earth was born against desertification caused by climate change. Through science and technology, man has the faculty and power to remove and put water in places where it is needed. Water and land was born against desertification caused by climate change. Man through science and technology has the faculty and power to remove and put water in the places where it is needed.
Mixed media on canvas, 200x70 am, 2013. Water and earth was born against desertification caused by climate change. Through science and technology, man has the faculty and power to remove and put water in places where it is needed. Water and land was born against desertification caused by climate change. Man through science and technology has the faculty and power to remove and put water in the places where it is needed.