
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Persistence after human hegemony
by Michelle Vazquez Sanz
Contest is finished!
Persistence after human hegemony

Michelle Vazquez Sanz

Persistence after human hegemony is a pictorial project within the field of science fiction, about a future world in which the human species has become extinct and therefore there is an emancipation of nature that empowers species of the plant and animal kingdom, filling the planet with organic forms that have not been present until now and have capacities such as intelligence, memory, vision and floating. The human being appears in an ethereal state, as a memory of nature, and in this distant time is unable to intervene. Each painting in the project is the representation of an everyday scene from this post-apocalyptic world. Organic persistence after human hegemony aims to achieve through the resources of figurative painting, a new perception of the forms of plant life and their positive reaction to our absence. At the same time, encourage reflections around the impact of human beings on nature in order to contribute actions to the formation of a more solid ecological culture in our society. The pictorial references of this project are artists who have developed projects of interest to nature or science fiction, such as Georgia O’keefe, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Roger Dean, William Turner and Tomás Micek. Conceptual referents of this project are Hope Jahren, David G. Jara, and Stefano Mancuso, who have also contributed to these interests from other professional fields. Art has aesthetic functions that new greening projects can benefit from to generate positive change in society. In addition, art is the reflection of the ideology of a society, if we start by making ecological changes there we will soon see them in our daily lives.
Persistence after human hegemony is a pictorial project within the field of science fiction, about a future world in which the human species has become extinct and therefore there is an emancipation of nature that empowers species of the plant and animal kingdom, filling the planet with organic forms that have not been present until now and have capacities such as intelligence, memory, vision and floating. The human being appears in an ethereal state, as a memory of nature, and in this distant time is unable to intervene. Each painting in the project is the representation of an everyday scene from this post-apocalyptic world. Organic persistence after human hegemony aims to achieve through the resources of figurative painting, a new perception of the forms of plant life and their positive reaction to our absence. At the same time, encourage reflections around the impact of human beings on nature in order to contribute actions to the formation of a more solid ecological culture in our society. The pictorial references of this project are artists who have developed projects of interest to nature or science fiction, such as Georgia O’keefe, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Roger Dean, William Turner and Tomás Micek. Conceptual referents of this project are Hope Jahren, David G. Jara, and Stefano Mancuso, who have also contributed to these interests from other professional fields. Art has aesthetic functions that new greening projects can benefit from to generate positive change in society. In addition, art is the reflection of the ideology of a society, if we start by making ecological changes there we will soon see them in our daily lives.