Award 2021

Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

Stay tuned for the next Social Art Award open call!


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Alina(lalala)'s statement and project
by Alina SCHIAU
Contest is finished!
Alina(lalala)'s statement and project


The relation of the artwork/ project submitted to the topic of New Greening Art is another way of seeing the world. an essential way. The role of the artist is not to make the world more beautiful, but simply better, bringing to light a reality observed or felt, and questioning the world. Art formally expresses a sensitivity, intelligence and humour worldview. As part of the open call, I imagined a work expressing my view of our society. We must highlight this essential link between Humanity and the Whole ; and the urgency of cooperating, educating, thinking globally, to act locally. But above all, I imagined it as a symbol of hope and of creation of this new world. We must fight together, today. We cannot leave to our children a cemetery as an heritage. It is time to react and act, all together with introspection, courage, humility, joy and love. From the greatest crisis emerge the greatest hopes. Description of the project Just because you don’t see suffering, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist … Just because you don’t see beauty, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist .... Just because we don’t see love, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist .... Just because you don’t see hope, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist … Our eye on oneself, the other and the world is a reflection that comes back in different ways, but regularly in alina(lalala)’s works. As a general rule, hers artworks are not reduced to a simple colouring of surfaces : their assemblies reveal the "underlying", a simple reflection of the mysteries of the visible. For this project, alina(lalala) wants to go further, using invisible paint. Only a UV lamp will allow you to see her work. Alina(lalala) also wants the spectator to take part in the painting, in order to highlight that a simple glance is not always enough to see the essential. To change things, it is not enough to be the “spectator”, we have to become the “actor” of our life. The spectator will have to make the effort to switch off the room’s light and switch on the UV lamp, to be able to know more about the artwork. He will also be able to write with an invisible pen, and so leave its trail. In the end, it will be a work of a thousand hands, as a necessity to realize that we are all connected, to each other and to the world in general. Let us become a mason and an actor in this new world, and let us give our children roots and wings to offer them the possibility of happiness.
The relation of the artwork/ project submitted to the topic of New Greening Art is another way of seeing the world. an essential way. The role of the artist is not to make the world more beautiful, but simply better, bringing to light a reality observed or felt, and questioning the world. Art formally expresses a sensitivity, intelligence and humour worldview. As part of the open call, I imagined a work expressing my view of our society. We must highlight this essential link between Humanity and the Whole ; and the urgency of cooperating, educating, thinking globally, to act locally. But above all, I imagined it as a symbol of hope and of creation of this new world. We must fight together, today. We cannot leave to our children a cemetery as an heritage. It is time to react and act, all together with introspection, courage, humility, joy and love. From the greatest crisis emerge the greatest hopes. Description of the project Just because you don’t see suffering, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist … Just because you don’t see beauty, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist .... Just because we don’t see love, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist .... Just because you don’t see hope, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist … Our eye on oneself, the other and the world is a reflection that comes back in different ways, but regularly in alina(lalala)’s works. As a general rule, hers artworks are not reduced to a simple colouring of surfaces : their assemblies reveal the "underlying", a simple reflection of the mysteries of the visible. For this project, alina(lalala) wants to go further, using invisible paint. Only a UV lamp will allow you to see her work. Alina(lalala) also wants the spectator to take part in the painting, in order to highlight that a simple glance is not always enough to see the essential. To change things, it is not enough to be the “spectator”, we have to become the “actor” of our life. The spectator will have to make the effort to switch off the room’s light and switch on the UV lamp, to be able to know more about the artwork. He will also be able to write with an invisible pen, and so leave its trail. In the end, it will be a work of a thousand hands, as a necessity to realize that we are all connected, to each other and to the world in general. Let us become a mason and an actor in this new world, and let us give our children roots and wings to offer them the possibility of happiness.