Award 2021

Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

Stay tuned for the next Social Art Award open call!


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dead aluminum blossom meadow - living, growing natural...
by Gabriela Drees-Holz
Contest is finished!
dead aluminum blossom meadow - living, growing natural...

Gabriela Drees-Holz

Description Processed (cut, folded, crushed) parts of aluminum coffee capsules are glued to a black primed ball. The color scheme is cheerful and colorful as well as dark to black. At one point (approx. 20x15cm) "grow" out of it, different green and different lengths of plastic tubes. Impact generated The capsules are very appealing with their intense metallic colors. They also look happy and positive, as they are folded and cut in a very diverse range of flower shapes. So you can say that the ball looks aesthetically pleasing, cheerful, colorful, mysterious, but also threateningly dark in places. The green tubes loosen the “meadow” of flowers and point to change, a new beginning, to vegetal growth, to movement outwards, into the sky, a better future. Humans have created a new "better" world, with the well-known destruction and poisoning of the environment. Along with aluminum production, this includes the mining of bauxite, which has led to soil and water and even human poisoning. This work shows: the world of aluminum blossoms seems beautiful. But it is hostile to life, artificial, destroys nature more and more. But there are many movements that raise awareness of nature and still want to redirect the boat. I would like to represent that with the green plant seedlings that are growing. There is green hope. Let us nourish them and care for them and water them.
Description Processed (cut, folded, crushed) parts of aluminum coffee capsules are glued to a black primed ball. The color scheme is cheerful and colorful as well as dark to black. At one point (approx. 20x15cm) "grow" out of it, different green and different lengths of plastic tubes. Impact generated The capsules are very appealing with their intense metallic colors. They also look happy and positive, as they are folded and cut in a very diverse range of flower shapes. So you can say that the ball looks aesthetically pleasing, cheerful, colorful, mysterious, but also threateningly dark in places. The green tubes loosen the “meadow” of flowers and point to change, a new beginning, to vegetal growth, to movement outwards, into the sky, a better future. Humans have created a new "better" world, with the well-known destruction and poisoning of the environment. Along with aluminum production, this includes the mining of bauxite, which has led to soil and water and even human poisoning. This work shows: the world of aluminum blossoms seems beautiful. But it is hostile to life, artificial, destroys nature more and more. But there are many movements that raise awareness of nature and still want to redirect the boat. I would like to represent that with the green plant seedlings that are growing. There is green hope. Let us nourish them and care for them and water them.