
Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.

The next Open Call for the Social Art Ward will be opened in 2023.


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Colony to Colonised : A Story of a Furlong
by monika dutta
Contest is finished!
Colony to Colonised : A Story of a Furlong

monika dutta

'Colony to Colonised: A Story of a Furlong' is a triptych work comprising three discrete chalk drawings on blackboard panels. The piece documents three phenomena at increasing distances within a furlong from my home. A colony of wild honey bees have inhabited the roof for several years, depending heavily on the immediate profusion of hogweed and cow parsley which, left to their own devices, increase in density each year. On the other side of the hedgerow, extensive industrial farmland is given over to pesticide trials, testing the economic viability of new insecticides and herbicides. The work evidences the precarious balance of habitat and land use, and reflects my ongoing exploration of the impact of the Anthropocene, focusing specifically on relationships between biodiversity and industrial agriculture.
'Colony to Colonised: A Story of a Furlong' is a triptych work comprising three discrete chalk drawings on blackboard panels. The piece documents three phenomena at increasing distances within a furlong from my home. A colony of wild honey bees have inhabited the roof for several years, depending heavily on the immediate profusion of hogweed and cow parsley which, left to their own devices, increase in density each year. On the other side of the hedgerow, extensive industrial farmland is given over to pesticide trials, testing the economic viability of new insecticides and herbicides. The work evidences the precarious balance of habitat and land use, and reflects my ongoing exploration of the impact of the Anthropocene, focusing specifically on relationships between biodiversity and industrial agriculture.