The Open Call for the Social Art Award 2019 under the topic “We are the People – Peaceful Revolutions” was closed on December 15, 2019. We are very impressed by 558 submissions that were contributed by artists coming from 65 countries across all continents. 

The winners of The Social Art Award 2019 are Narcissa Gold (USA), Melinda Mouzannar (Lebanon) and Bogna Grazyna Jaroslawski (Poland/Germany). The Honorary Mention goes to Kingson Kin Sing Chan (Hong Kong/UK). 

Below you find the artworks, that passed the initial jury round. The public voting took place till 30 December and is a tool to give more public visibility to the topic and the artworks. It does not replace the final jury judgment. There were two wildcards for the most voted artworks that entered the final shortlist

The focus diversity of applications shows that artists are active in the multi-faceted fields of socially engaged art reflecting on wars, genocides, femicides, traumata, violence against refugees, children, women, men, disabled people, LGBTIQs, animals. They share feelings for the planet and its living species, but also showing hopelessness due to complex crises be it climate change (e.g. in regard to water pollution), capitalism, corruption, a violation against human rights, nature, protected national parks. Many of the artists are constantly trying to give a voice to the poorest or empower unheard social groups.

It’s not only about peaceful revolutions, but it’s also about feeling a deep connection and showing love and respect for each other.
Thank you all for sharing your great and inspirational work and look at all the great contributions!

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Already but not yet
by Ga-in Kim
Category: open category
Contest is finished!
Already but not yet

Ga-in Kim

open category

The existence of the nuclear weapon has fundamentally reconstructed temporality of humankind. What we can recognize through many environmental indicators and situations that are testifying extinction and the end, is that human time has reached the ‘time of the end’ and seems to be leaving only ‘the end of time’. This era, perhaps, seems to be a grace period that is heading toward the end, rather than a phase that will pass without impact. This era, which crushes the existence of time, and frustrates the thought that there will be time, is deconstructing trust in humanity and hope for the future. Even though the end is no longer a metaphor, the phenomena is parasitic and reproduced as individuals; however, ironically it’s never fatal, nor self-destruct. Rather than making the host a zombie, it creates a more robust and stable environment for symbiosis. In a space film, when the protagonist who left the interstellar ship between stars in search of the answer to save mankind talked about the fate of mankind: is it truly viable to continue to find the right answer as we always have. The question that is thrown at us in this situation is that the advent of the final catastrophe is a perceptible individual, and if possible, we can create time to impede it. The camera located on the aquarium detects both visual and invisible through the general camera and the infrared camera sensors, and transforms into the temperature record. On the monitor, the temperature value of the object looking at the camera is being displayed, and plays it as a real-time video image. At the same time, a droplet of water continually drops from the tap until the life-support-device in the tank is revealed to be out of the water. Proposed as symbol.
The existence of the nuclear weapon has fundamentally reconstructed temporality of humankind. What we can recognize through many environmental indicators and situations that are testifying extinction and the end, is that human time has reached the ‘time of the end’ and seems to be leaving only ‘the end of time’. This era, perhaps, seems to be a grace period that is heading toward the end, rather than a phase that will pass without impact. This era, which crushes the existence of time, and frustrates the thought that there will be time, is deconstructing trust in humanity and hope for the future. Even though the end is no longer a metaphor, the phenomena is parasitic and reproduced as individuals; however, ironically it’s never fatal, nor self-destruct. Rather than making the host a zombie, it creates a more robust and stable environment for symbiosis. In a space film, when the protagonist who left the interstellar ship between stars in search of the answer to save mankind talked about the fate of mankind: is it truly viable to continue to find the right answer as we always have. The question that is thrown at us in this situation is that the advent of the final catastrophe is a perceptible individual, and if possible, we can create time to impede it. The camera located on the aquarium detects both visual and invisible through the general camera and the infrared camera sensors, and transforms into the temperature record. On the monitor, the temperature value of the object looking at the camera is being displayed, and plays it as a real-time video image. At the same time, a droplet of water continually drops from the tap until the life-support-device in the tank is revealed to be out of the water. Proposed as symbol.