Please find here the approved applications to the Social Art Award 2021 – New Greening. The open call was closed on 1 May.
Stay tuned for the next Social Art Award open call!
Community land art piece, Blind spot Adaptation (Beyond a Given Moment)
Community land art piece, Blind spot Adaptation (Beyond a Given Moment)
Community land art piece,...
La vida a pesar de las fronteras (Life despite borders)
La vida a pesar de las fronteras (Life despite borders)
La vida a pesar de las...
Beyond A Given Moment-Community land art piece
Beyond A Given Moment-Community land art piece
Eyes With Which We View The World
Eyes With Which We View The World
Eyes With Which We View The...
"Let's take care of nature, say no to poison, instead use natural compost" Assembly of children in Cherán to the world.
"Let's take care of nature, say no to poison, instead use natural compost" Assembly of children in Cherán to the world.
Probabilidades de interconexões (Interconnection probabilities), 2019
Probabilidades de interconexões (Interconnection probabilities), 2019
Complementaridade (Complementarity), 2019
Complementaridade (Complementarity), 2019
Sistema Circulatório (circulatory system), 2019
Sistema Circulatório (circulatory system), 2019
Solarevolution Bike+Solar Trailer
Solarevolution Bike+Solar Trailer
Solarevolution Bike+Solar...